Arcology Render

Water level shot.

Water level shot.

Low angle shot.

Low angle shot.

Mid level shot.

Mid level shot.

Mid level shot.

Mid level shot.

High angle shot.

High angle shot.

Wide view shot.

Wide view shot.

Bird's eye shot.

Bird's eye shot.

Second bird's eye shot.

Second bird's eye shot.

Very low angle shot.

Very low angle shot.

Low angle moon shot.

Low angle moon shot.

Underwater low angle shot.

Underwater low angle shot.

Second underwater low angle shot.

Second underwater low angle shot.

Low level underwater shot.

Low level underwater shot.

A rendering of the arcology concept as first envisioned by Paolo Soleri in 1969, designed, modelled, UV'd, textured, lit, and rendered from the ground up. A portmanteau of "architecture" and "ecology", an arcology is a self-contained and self-sufficient "city-in-a-building", where a city sized population could theoretically live in one large eco-friendly superstructure.